Why is a pavilion being built at Honeywood?

    The main goal in developing a new pavilion in the City of Kwinana is to increase community usage of the entire reserve. This includes having an increased capability of supporting organised sporting fixtures and an array of recreation and leisure pursuits across all age groups. Development of a community facility such as this in Honeywood, provides opportunity for new groups to form and have a place to call home, or to further develop existing groups for expansion/relocation purposes. 

    The development of the Ngook Boorn Mia-Mia / Honeywood Sporting Pavilion was identified as a need in 2009 as a part of the City's inaugural Community Infrastructure Plan (CIP). The CIP guides the delivery of the City’s future community infrastructure requirements, and informs the City’s forward financial and asset management planning. This approach is critical to ensuring that the current and future needs of the community (locally and City-wide) are able to be planned, delivered, managed, and supported. 

    In the Community Infrastructure Plan, Ngook Boorn Mia-Mia / Honeywood Sporting Pavilion is classed as a Local Sporting Ground with a Community Facility. The space must included a multipurpose sporting field (existing as described above) that has the capacity to cater for a range of changing community activities and sporting codes over time, typically larger clubs and senior sporting clubs.

    What facilities will the pavilion have?

    A Local Sporting Ground with a Community Facility must have the capacity to cater for informal physical activity and passive recreation opportunities with the ground primarily used for organised sports. The purpose and function of the community facility is to support these organised sports as well as community use, passive recreation and informal physical activity. Ngook Boorn Mia-Mia / Honeywood Pavilion will include:

    • Changerooms/showers (2)
    • Large multipurpose/function space, including bar and meeting space.
    • Commercial level kitchen with kiosk
    • Umpires changeroom
    • First aid room
    • General storage space and sports equipment storage
    • Internal toilets and public toilets
    • Veranda/spectator shaded space
    • In addition, large community facilities will include multiple meeting spaces and rooms for the various community activities and services.

    Ngook Boorn Mia-Mia / Honeywood Pavilion will not have flood lighting available

    When will Ngook Boorn Mia-Mia / Honeywood Pavilion be complete?

    Construction of Ngook Boorn Mia-Mia / Honeywood Pavilion is due for completion September/October and the City hope to open the facility shortly after this.

    How are the Registrations of Interest assessed?

    In considering the ROIs we will be looking at:

    • Opportunities for mixed or complimentary use
    • Overall relationship to Kwinana (for sporting clubs this may be whether or not you are a Kwinana based club, or how many members you have from Kwinana)
    • Overall value to the community

    What are the summer and winter season dates for sporting clubs?

    The summer season runs October - March

    The winter season runs April - September

    Acknowledging occasional overlap with finals and pre-seasons - by negotiation